Monday 22 July 2024

“रेनी-डे का राज”

राजू    बोला    नानी-नानी,

आज रात भर बरसा पानी।

चन्दा मामा  आज न आए,

कैसे   टीचर   उन्हें  पढ़ाए।

अब उन  पर जुर्माना होगा,

दस का सिक्का देना होगा।

नानी  हँसीं और  समझाया,

रेनी-डे का राज बताया।

ज्यादा  बर्षा  जब  होती है,

बिना  रुके  होती  रहती  है।

जगह-जगह पानी भर जाता,

आना-जाना भी रुक जाता।

शालाऐं तब  खुल ना पातीं,

बच्चों  की  छुट्टी  हो जाती।

कोई   तब   स्कूल    जाता,

वह दिन रेनी-डे कहलाता।

Monday 11 March 2024

"Stubborn Child"

“Mom, I just want a mobile phone, that's all. Now I don't want to hear anything else. Now this is too much, mother. You are informed mother, all my friends have very good, super, imported mobile phones and all of them have good ring-tone, good design and touch screen. And mother, I don't have any mobile phone. Now mother, I also want a mobile phone and that too from a good company. A mobile phone with Android One and touch screen.” Innocent Bhaskar insisted on meeting his mother.
Bhole Bhaskar's childish mind was adamant that he should also have a good mobile phone of a good company, like other friends of his school. He would start feeling inferiority complex in his mind when his other friends would miss-call each other from their mobile phones or send SMS to each other. They use to write, e-mail, talk about various things on WhatsApp, share jokes and talk about a lot of things with other friends for a long time. Not only this, when they were alone, they use to listen various songs with earphones in his ears. Sometimes they would laugh and sometimes he would start dancing in his own joy.
The innocent childish mind of Bhole Bhaskar would repeatedly insist on getting a mobile phone from his mother and then he would make up his mind to buy a mobile phone with an imported touch screen.
If he doesn't insist then what kind of a child is he? Being stubborn and obstinate is a natural quality of a child and a child must be stubborn. The desire to become something good, the desire to do something good, the desire to dream something good, the desire to become an example for the world. The whole world says that if you are so stubborn then it should be like this.
Bharat had also insisted on counting the teeth of the lion, Dhruva had also insisted on performing steadfast penance and the stubborn Eklavya had also insisted on getting education from Acharya Dron.
History is replete with inspiring examples of stubborn and obstinate children. Stubborn child Krishna had also insisted on playing with the moon toy and stubborn child Hanuman had kept the sun in his cheek.
But the question is about the direction of the insistence. There is right and wrong. Playful hair is the direction of the mind's movement. If the movement is positive and in the right direction then the results are good and if the movement of the mind is negative and in the wrong direction then how can good results be expected.
Now how and who should explain to the stubborn childish mind of Bhole Bhaskar that for his son to study and write, he does not need a mobile phone, but a book-copy, pen-pencil and true faith and dedication in the mind.
Good imported super mobile phones, mobile phones with good ring-tone and touch-screen mobile phones are the hindrances in the process of reading and learning. To study, one needs a high courage, a dream, a dedication that makes one sleepless at night and restless every moment during the day.
Mother's every attempt to convince his demand over Bhaskar's head like a bouncer on his stubborn pitch and had no effect on the determined, stubborn and obstinate child mind of innocent Bhaskar.
This age is such that children often consider their peers of the same age as their well-wishers and what they say is correct. They accept the right words of their parents, teachers and well-wishers as right only when their peers prove them to be right, otherwise not at all. How can a slippery tender age think of all this?
But poor Bhaskar's mother, even if she does, what should she do? From where will he get such an expensive mobile phone?
Ever since Bhaskar's father passed away, she was upset with herself and on top of that, her only son Bhaskar, who despite his stubbornness, was not ready to listen to even a single word of his mother.
Bhaskar was adamant on his insistence for two days and yesterday evening he did not even eat food. Now he said that he would not go to school until he got a mobile phone.
The problem was very serious and its solution equally complex. Bhaskar's mother could not sleep the whole night.
The next day, like every day in the morning, the rickshaw puller of the school called from downstairs – “Come on Bhaskar, come quickly.”
When no movement was felt, the rickshaw puller called once again, perhaps Bhaskar could not hear. But it is narrated only to those who want to listen and who can narrate it to someone who does not want to listen even after listening.
But rickshaw puller bhaiya ji had to give some answer. So, Bhaskar came to his balcony and shouted loudly to the rickshaw puller bhaiya ji – “I don’t want to go to school today, bhaiya ji.”
“Why, what happened Bhaskar, why are you not going to school?” While saying this, his classmate Kabir had by now got down from the rickshaw and reached him through the stairs.
  “Why are you not going Bhaskar, your health is fine.” Classmate Kabir asked Bhaskar out of curiosity.
“No, just like that. I don't feel like it today." Bhaskar said, hiding his stubborn statement with pride.
“What is the matter Bhaskar, why are you not going to school?” Kabir wanted to know the reason.
"Nothing at all. just like that. I don't feel like it." Bhaskar once again tried to hide his point.
And then Bhaskar's mother told Kabir - “Hey son, he has not eaten food since last night and is adamant on taking the mobile phone. Saying that I will not go to school until I get a mobile phone. Now you tell me, from where should I get such an expensive mobile phone.”
Bhaskar's mother's heartache and her financial constraints could be clearly read.
“What will Bhaskar do with your mobile phone?” Kabir asked Bhaskar in a stern tone.
“Look Kabir, all the children in our school have good imported mobile phones, only I do not have one. And mother is not even getting me a mobile phone.” Bhaskar said while explaining to Kabir.
“Where are you Bhaskar, all the children have mobile phones. Look, I don't have any mobile phone.” Rejecting Bhaskar's words, Kabir said to Bhaskar.
“What about you. You are a topper But all my friends have very good mobile phones.” Bhaskar once again presented his argument.
“So, what if I am a topper? Okay, tell me which of your friends have mobile phones?” Kabir wanted to know from Bhaskar.
“Rajat, Akash, Vikas, Pawan, Raju and Sudha, all of them have good imported mobile phones with super ring tones.” Bhaskar said with great pride while enumerating the names of all his companions.
“Where does Rajat have his mobile phone?” Kabir said to Bhaskar.
“Yes, his father has given him a mobile phone just two days ago. Do you know how much he had to insist to get a mobile phone, then somewhere his father got him a mobile phone. With great difficulty his father agreed to get him a mobile phone.” Bhaskar told Kabir very excitedly.
“Okay, tell me, what is his mobile phone number.” Kabir wanted to know from Bhaskar.
“Rajat's mobile number is 989898..” Bhaskar said while telling Rajat's mobile number to Kabir.
“And Bhaskar, do all these boys take their mobile phones to school?” Kabir wanted to know.
“Yes, and all the boys talk to each other on mobile phones, send SMS, WhatsApp and also listen to different types of songs. And whenever the teacher is teaching a boring subject, we sit on the back bench and comfortably play good mobile games.” Bhaskar became very excited and told Kabir.
“But Bhaskar, carrying mobile phones is prohibited in school. Principal madam has clearly forbidden it and yet they all carry mobile phones. This is not a good thing.” Kabir said while explaining to Bhaskar.
“Everything goes on, no one asks and no one sees.” Bhaskar excitedly told Kabir.
“Okay, now you get ready quickly and come to school.” Kabir said to Bhaskar
“No Kabir, now I will also go to school only when mother gets me a mobile phone.” And now Bhaskar has finally told Kabir about his insistence on taking the mobile phone.
“It's just that, Bhaskar. So come on, you will get the mobile phone. Now let's go to school." Kabir said while giving assurance to Bhaskar.
“But how will you get pride? Mother has been saying no for so long.” Expressing the dilemma in his mind, Bhaskar said.
“But what does this have to do with you? If mother doesn't want to get it, I will get it done either by asking my father or from my pocket money. Now get ready quickly and come to school. Bhaiya ji is standing downstairs and anyway, we are getting late for school now.” Kabir said to Bhaskar.
“Kabir, you are not joking, tell the truth.” Expressing his doubt, Bhaskar said.
“What's the joke in this, if you want to study with a mobile phone, then I will bring you a mobile phone, somehow, from anywhere and by doing anything.” Kabir said seriously.
The assurance of getting a mobile phone from Kabir gave wings to Bhaskar's mind and he immediately started getting ready to go to school.
Meanwhile, Bhaskar's mother could not understand why Kabir gave such assurance to Bhaskar. From where will he get him a mobile phone? And would it be appropriate to take the mobile phone given by him? Bhaskar's mother was in distress. Don't know what will happen now.
But as soon as Bhaskar went inside the room to get ready to go to school, sensing the anxiety in his mother's mind, Kabir said to Bhaskar's mother - "Aunty, don't worry. I will fix everything.”
“Okay, as you think is right. You yourself are intelligent. You know everything.” Bhaskar's mother said proudly.
And after some time, Kabir and Bhaskar along with their other friends sat in a rickshaw and reached school on time. After prayer and after that, studies started in all the classes like every day.
Here Kabir had made up his mind that today he would expose all these boys by catching them red handed with mobile phones. And being the student representative of the school's disciplinary committee, this was also his duty.
The second period was of sports. During the same period, he met his PT sir and informed Principal Madam that four-five boys of his class bring mobile phones to school and also told Rajat's mobile phone number. This information was enough for PT sir. He was also in-charge of the school's discipline committee.
After the recess, the fifth period was going on. In the class, Sakshi madam was explaining a science topic with great concentration. There was pin drop silence in the class. Just then the ring tone of the mobile phone started playing in the class and that too was a film song. Which could not be called good. And this was the sound of Rajat's mobile phone.
The ring tone created a stir in the peaceful atmosphere. For some this ring-tone was a matter of surprise and for others it was a matter of anger. Reason. But Rajat's face was in shock.
  “Who has a mobile phone?” Sakshi madam said angrily in a loud voice.
There was complete silence in the entire class and Rajat started trembling. He had never thought like this even in his dreams, tremblingly he uttered – “Sorry… Madam, Sorry…”
“Why, what do you mean by Sorry, don't you know that it is forbidden to bring mobile phones in the school. Come on, bring your mobile phone here.” Sakshi madam said to Rajat in an angry tone.
And Rajat got up from his seat with the mobile phone in his hand and started moving towards Madam.
Taking the mobile phone from Rajat, Sakshi Madam placed it on her table and ordered Rajat to stand outside the class and said – “Go, stand outside the class and after this period you will be complained to the Principal Madam.”
On the other hand, Principal Madam was on the rounds and seeing Rajat standing outside the class, she asked Rajat the reason for standing outside, then Rajat told that he had brought a mobile phone to the school. Hence Madam had thrown him out of the class.
“Even when you know that bringing mobile phone in the school is prohibited, you still bring mobile phone to school, it causes disturbance in studies. Call your guardian tomorrow and you will not sit in class until he meets me.” Saying this, Principal Madam left.
And after some time, the peon came with a circular in which it was written – “It is prohibited for any student to bring a mobile phone in the school. It has been noticed that some students still come to school with mobile phones. Now if any student is found with a mobile phone in the school campus, disciplinary action will be taken against him.” By permission... Principal Madam.
Sakshi madam was reading the notice. Every word of the notice was melting the icy mountain of Bhaskar's insistence on getting a mobile phone. This question was coming to his mind again and again that when he would not be able to bring his mobile phone to school then what would be the use of buying it or carrying it with pride.
He had made up his mind that now he did not want to buy a mobile phone and he would not insist on buying a mobile phone from his mother.
While returning from school, as soon as he sat in the rickshaw, he said to Kabir – “Kabir, I do not want a mobile phone.”
“Why, what happened to you Bhaskar? You have not gone crazy. Now you are saying not to buying a mobile phone. Sometimes he insists on taking the mobile and sometimes he doesn't." Kabir asked surprised.
“Yes Kabir, when all my friends will not be able to bring mobile phones in the school and will be thrown out of the school if they bring them. Then what is the use of a mobile phone for me? Bhaskar said.
  “Okay, as per your wish. But I am still ready to get a mobile phone.” Kabir said.
“No Kabir, now I have to concentrate on studying. After all, there must be something that Principal Madam does not do about mobile phones.” Saying this, Bhaskar took a deep breath and made up his mind to study.
But till date no one has been able to find out who had called Rajat on mobile phone.

-Anand Vishvas

Friday 8 March 2024

“I hate you, Papa!”

The Ashram of Saint Shri Shivanand ji is situated at some distance from Kabir's house. Abode of divine supernatural power. Quiet, beautiful and pleasant place. Where the Ganga of meditation, yoga and knowledge flows continuously. The recitation of Veda’s mantras and hymns here day and night provide sanctity to the atmosphere. The beauty of the river bank makes it even more delightful.
And an old age home is also situated here. For some people, it is a necessity, for others it is a compulsion, helplessness. Well, happily, who likes to come here?
Perhaps, old age home is just another name for compulsion and helplessness. In old age, when roads are closed from all sides, only one path is visible to the old eyes, which goes towards the old age home.
Often, only those people reach to the old age homes who are either suffering from the lack of children. Or those people who are abandoned by their children, who have been forced by their children to come here. And in both situations these elders deserve help and sympathy.
Money cannot buy love and service. Intimacy is not a vegetable sold in the market which can be purchased whenever, wherever, by paying money for it. Very lucky are those peoples who have their own people. There is closeness, intimacy in every pore of them. The mind becomes giddy, the eyes fill with tears from such a sacred darshan.
The people living here either do not belong to any one at all and even if they exist in the name of belonging, they are more strangers than strangers, that is why they are here.
The environment of the old age home is peaceful and pleasant. A place of complete peace, but most of the people living there have agitated minds and an anger worse than wildfire. But helpless. That's why the poor people are here.
Kabir's grandfather often comes here to visit and he often has discussions with people of his age. The topics of discussion keep changing with time. Sometimes political, sometimes social, sometimes on Vedas and scriptures, and sometimes even on personal life.
Today Kabir got an opportunity to come to the Ashram with grandfather. Grandfather had gone to the office for some work, Kabir thought let's see, how do these people live?
Kabir was passing by a room; the door of the room was half open. His eyes fell on the old woman weeping in the room. Kabir's feet stopped, he felt that something must be happening. No one weep just like that.
The feet stopped and the tongue spoke – “Grandma, can I come inside?”
The old lady could not refuse Kabir's request and it was as if she was caught red-handed.
Wiping her tears with her lap, she said to Kabir – “Yes, son why not? Hey come.”
“Grandma, you are weeping, why?” Kabir asked.
The old lady did not expect such a question from Kabir, she got embarrassed and said – “No, it is nothing, nothing like that.”
“No, Grandma, there is something that you are hiding, but your tears are speaking.” Kabir's mind was completely shaken.
The old grandmother could not hide the secret of her tears from Kabir and said – “No son, just like that, today I remembered him. Had he been there today, I would not have been ruined.
“What happened to you, grandma? Tell me. Since you have said son, you have to tell everything.” Kabir said insistently.
  “No son, what can I tell you? You are still a child. What will you understand now?” With great hesitation the old lady explained to Kabir.
“No grandmother, I am a child, that’s why I can understand what you are saying. Elder people will not understand what you say.” Kabir said while explaining to grandmother.
Kabir's stubbornness in asking and the old lady's stubbornness in not telling. A clash of opinions started between the two. After all, children are stubborn and the old woman had to give up.
The old lady said that Kalpesh's father was a senior officer in the army. He broke many tanks in the Kargil War and was martyred while saving his comrades, but was successful in saving his comrades. He also received a bravery award from the President of India. But now everything is useless, what is the use of such a reward?
In those days, Kalpesh got me to put her thumb impression on pension papers, court papers etc. and said that all these paperwork will have to be done. I neither knew anything nor was educated. Did as he say.
Later I came to know that he got the house, which was in his father's name, transferred to his name. And after a few days, his wife had a fight with me and beat me and threw me out of the house. Son did not say anything.
Thinking that I will go and live in the village, I went there and found out that he had sold all the land and houses of the village. Another man lived in the house. I was helpless.
I also complained to the police station. But nothing happened. And now I am living here under compulsion. Out of the pension I get, some of it has to be given here, I keep the rest with myself.
And on this very day he was martyred. So, the eyes became moist. That's it, nothing else.
Kabir's eyes also could not remain without becoming moist. He started thinking, are there such sons also? If only! Such a son should have died even before being born. At least the son's name would not have been tarnished. No mother loses faith in her son. No mother would be able to call her son a traitor.
Kabir consoled his grandmother and assured her that he would soon find a way out and get justice for her.
With many questions in his mind, Kabir returned home with grandfather.
When Kabir came home and told everything to his mother, Kabir's mother's eyes became moist and forced him to think. What type of people live on this earth? Is your child your enemy? If a man trusts then whom?
Mummy said to Kabir – “Your father's friend Bhavesh Patel is a lawyer in the High Court. If their advice is taken then they will definitely be able to find some solution.”
Kabir's moist eyes sparkled and he called Patel-Uncle when his father came home in the evening. Patel-Uncle said that after attending the court next day in the evening they will be coming to meet you.
Next day in the evening, when Patel-Uncle arrived, Kabir narrated the entire incident in detail, by then mother had brought tea and snacks.
After thinking for a while, Patel-Uncle said to Kabir, “Kabir, I will like to meet her. So that I can understand the whole thing. When will we be able to meet her?”
“Yes Uncle, you can meet to grandma at any time.” Kabir said enthusiastically.
And after some time, Advocate Bhavesh Patel and Kabir were with the old lady in the old age home. The old lady narrated the entire incident in detail to Patel from the beginning and answered whatever questions Bhavesh Patel asked.
Patel asked the old lady, “Mother, can I ask you something?”
“Yes, ask son.” The old lady said.
“Mother, we will have to fight a case, are you ready for that?” Patel asked with great authority.
“No son, I don't have the money to fight the case.” The old lady said in a frustrated tone.
“No, mother, who is asking money from you, I do not want a single penny from you nor you will spend even a single penny of yours. I am asking you so that you may feel sad after seeing your son again? Because for this he can also go to jail? Then it will be very difficult to turn back later?” Patel said while explaining seriously to the old lady.
As soon as she heard about the jail, the old lady's eyes lit up, a pang appeared in her heart and a feeling of revenge arose.
Nothing like pity or forgiveness was visible in her eyes.
Without even a moment's delay, she gave her seal of approval by saying “Yes”.
“Think about it, mother.” Bhavesh Patel said.
“Son, if you do this, you will be doing me a great favor. I don't even want to see my disgraced son alive.” The heart of the old eyes screamed loudly.
Patel said to the old lady – “Still mother, please think once with a cool heart and mind and I will come to meet you tomorrow. If there is your order then further steps will be taken.”
Patel and Kabir thought it appropriate to give one day's time to think. It is very difficult to say when a mother's love melts.
  “Yes son, how to think about it, while thinking about it, the tears in the eyes dried up, what is left now?” The stability of the old lady's thoughts told everything.
“Then should I be sure about this decision, mother?” Bhavesh Patel asked once again.
The old lady's firm decision gave the green signal to Kabir and Advocate Patel to move forward.
Advocate Bhavesh Patel and Kabir first met the old lady's son Kalpesh and proposed a solution to the problem and it was appropriate too. But arrogant Kalpesh was proud of his position and chair. He clearly said, “This is our family matter, it would be better if you do not interfere in it.”
Advocate Bhavesh Patel said, “I am talking to you in the capacity of his lawyer.”
  But Kalpesh clearly said, “You can do whatever you consider appropriate. You are free to do anything.”
After getting a clear answer, Advocate Bhavesh Patel sent a legal notice to Kalpesh to vacate the house as per the legal procedure and a copy of which was also sent to all the concerned offices for information.
After not getting any response for a week, advocate Bhavesh Patel filed a police case and suit. The trial started.
On the very first date, Bhavesh Patel appealed before the Honorable Court that the plaintiff Savitri Devi, a martyr Major Late. She is the widow of Shivraj Singh ji, an old woman, who has also received the bravery award from the President, she has no place to live, who is currently living in an old age home, who was pushed out of the house by the defendant Kalpesh and his wife Shilpa. He has been thrown out and his house has been illegally occupied.
There is an appeal to the Honorable Court that till the case is decided, it would be fair if the plaintiff Savitri Devi is allowed to live in her house. Also presented some facts and evidence.
After hearing the arguments of both the plaintiff and the defendant, the Honorable Court decided that until the second decision comes, half of the house should be given to the plaintiff Savitri Devi to live in.
This process should be completed in two days. Any kind of dispute among themselves will be considered as an obstruction in the legal process. And the next hearing date was given.
Kalpesh had no hope that all this would happen. He was only thinking that his mother would remain silent and then he had no money to fight the case.
That is why he did not even get the house transferred in his name. But now everything had turned upside down. As per the order of the court, Kalpesh had to vacate half of the house within two days and deliver the keys of the house to the court.
After two days, Advocate Bhavesh Patel and Kabir went to the court and took the keys. All the belongings of the old lady were brought to the house from the old age home.
The old lady was very happy after reaching home. It was very difficult for Kabir and Bhavesh to evaluate the blessings that were coming from the old lady's mind.
This was the first success of Advocate Bhavesh Patel and Kabir and the first ray of hope in the eyes of the old lady. But the fight was still left.
Here, in the department of the ministry in which Kalpesh worked, CBI on corruption charges against this minister. And joint raids were being conducted by the Income Tax Department. His bank accounts were sealed. The charges had been framed against the minister.
The transactions of the minister's bank account were also in Kalpesh's account. Hence, Kalpesh's bank accounts, lockers etc. were sealed and his house was also raided. A lot of cash was also recovered from Kalpesh's house.
Kalpesh was arrested by the police in the disproportionate assets case and was later released on bail. Legal proceedings had started against Kalpesh. As per the court order, the passport had to be deposited in the court. Now all his plans of running away to Dubai remained in vain.
The next day, Advocate Bhavesh Patel went to the registrar's office to find out in whose name the house is. Even today the house was in the name of Major Shivraj Singh.
Advocate Bhavesh Patel was surprised, but now all his problems were solved and this was Kalpesh's biggest mistake. Now his work had become very easy. He got a certified copy of the document from the registrar office. This document was enough for the victory of Advocate Bhavesh Patel.
To get information about the village land and house, both Bhavesh and Kabir went to the old woman's village.
There it came to light from the Patwari that Kalpesh had sold both the land and the house in the last month itself.
The land and houses of the village had been sold; hence Advocate Bhavesh Patel did not consider it appropriate to discuss it in the court now. The cross-examination was focused only on the city house.
On the next date, Advocate Bhavesh Patel presented the certified copy of the house documents before the Honorable Court. Kalpesh and his lawyers could not present any argument in defiance.
Therefore, the Honorable Court gave its decision in favor of Savitri Devi. As per the court order, Kalpesh was asked to vacate the house. And Kalpesh was sentenced under different sections.
The son pleaded and cried bitterly. But mother's heart did not melt at all. The house belonged to Savitri Devi and still exists today. After vacating the house, he cleaned it and also her mind.
Now her so-called real son Kalpesh had gone far, far away from the old lady's mind and house. There was no room left for him in both in mind and in house. And her heart was indebted towards Kabir and Bhavesh.
The old lady did not have anything to give to Kabir and Bhavesh, but whatever divine blessings these two were receiving was a supernatural nectar which only a few mothers are able to give to their sons.
After two days Kabir went to school. It was recess, all her friends were having breakfast but Ghazal was sitting idle and was not even having breakfast.
Kabir asked, “Why Ghazal, what is the matter, how are you so lazy today? And you are not even having breakfast. Is everything alright?”
“Nothing Kabir, I am very upset today.” Ghazal said with a sad heart.
“Why what happened, tell me?” Kabir asked again.
“Today grandmother has come from the village and has filed a case against father in the court. Now we will have to vacate the house and will have to go somewhere else.” Ghazal said.
“But being sad does not solve the problem. Be bold and face every difficulty. Okay, now have breakfast, everything will be fine.” Kabir said while explaining the Ghazal.
“No, today I don't even feel like eating. I don't know, I feel a little scared.” Ghazal said with a sad heart.
“Still, eat a little.” If you don't eat anything, will you remain hungry?" Chhaya and Sejal said consolingly.
A doubt arose in Kabir's mind that Ghazal's grandmother was not the same grandmother from the old age home? Filed a case, vacate the house, come from the village, there is something similar in both.
“What is your grandmother’s name?” To clear his doubt, Kabir asked Ghazal.
“Savitri Devi” Ghazal said.
There appeared to be some truth in the doubt.
“And about your grandfather?” Kabir asked.
“Shivraj Singh was an officer in the army but now he is no more.” Ghazal told.
“But why are you asking all this, Kabir?” Ghazal asked curiously.
“Yes, I will, first tell me your father’s name?” Kabir saw a match between the two.
“My father’s name is Kalpesh.” Ghazal told.
“And what about mom?” Kabir asked.
“Mummy’s name is Shilpa.” Ghazal told but she still had the desire to know the reason.
  “But tell me the truth Kabir, why are you asking all this?” Ghazal asked Kabir insistently.
“No, no problem, just asked anyway.” Kabir thought it best to postpone the matter.
But there was no doubt that Kabir's suspicion was correct. The old lady from Kabir's old age home was Ghazal's grandmother.
Meanwhile the bell rang and everyone went to their respective classes. But both Kabir and Ghazal had questions in their minds.
Ghazal was wondering why Kabir had asked so many questions? And Kabir was wondering why Ghazal's father did all this?
After reaching home, Kabir told his mother that the old lady living in the old age home is the real grandmother of Ghazal, the girl studying with him.
Kabir asked his mother, “Mummy, what if we ask a Ghazal about all this?”
“Yes, tell her, such things cannot be hidden. If not today then tomorrow, we have to know. If we find out then let it go, what's in it?" Mom said seriously.
Kabir knew that he had not done anything wrong. Whatever he has done is only going to increase his respect in the society. His parents will be proud of his actions. Nor is there anything to fear. Still, he thought it appropriate to take mother's opinion.
  On the next day Ghazal asked Kabir, “Tell me?” Kabir, what is it that you are hiding from me?”
“Ghazal, if you don’t know, your father has hidden this thing from you. But the matter is very sad.” Kabir said seriously.
“Tell me anyway, I am ready to listen.” Ghazal said with full courage.
“So, listen Ghazal, your grandmother did not come from the village. I had gone to your village with Bhavesh-Uncle. Now in your village, you have nothing. Neither your house nor your land. Bhavesh-Uncle and I met the Patwari of the village. He said that Kalpesh ji has sold both the house and the land to someone. The land and house are now in his name, not in the name of your father or grandfather.” Kabir told.
It was as if the ground had slipped from under Ghazal's feet. Now if you cut her, there will be no blood. Her eyes welled up and tears welled up. Surprise and question in mind, why did Papa do this?
“Not only this, Ghazal, your father and mother even pushed grandmother out of the house. The poor grandmother even went to the village but she did not get any support there. And now she was living in an old age home for the last two years. I have seen your grandmother weeping. How much poor grandmother have cried in these two years in the old age home? It is very difficult for me to imagine how each day would have been spent. Only their crying eyes and wailing mind can tell this.” Kabir became very emotional.
“But father used to say that grandmother like to live in the village, she does not like it here, so she lives in the village house.” Ghazal said.
“Your father is telling lie. Your grandmother was living in an old age home for the last two years. Come with me, People of old age home will tell you about your grandmother there.” Kabir said.
Speaking further, Kabir said – “And your father has also been facing serious allegations of corruption. And there was also a raid by the Income Tax Department. A lot of cash was also recovered. I don't know whether you know it or not. But the truth is this.”
Ghazal was standing like a statue in front of Kabir. She was not able to think of anything, after all what should she do?
If only the earth would explode so that she could get absorbed in it? It was as if everything had become nothing for her. She had no words to speak? And what was there left to say anyway?
When children commit a mistake, adults punish and even beat them. And what if adults commit not only unforgivable mistakes but also crimes?
Ghazal at home, neither spoke to her mother nor father. He didn't even eat food. Kept weeping and just kept weeping, the whole night. No one knows when she fell asleep, but in the morning her eyes were swollen and moist.
In the morning, father tried his best to convince her, but all in vain. Ghazal clearly said, “Papa, you have not done well. Grandmother had to live in an old age home while I was alive. What a shame for me. Now how will I show my face in school, to my friends, to Kabir? Such a big torture with grandmother? You have lied to me, father. You're a liar. Father! I hate you, Papa! I hate you." And Ghazal kept weeping for a long time.
She had decided that now she does not live with her parents, no matter what happens.
Now she will stay with grandmother and serve her. That’s it, nothing else.
Breaking all the chains of the law, Ghazal stuck to her grandmother. Grandmother had hugged her beloved granddaughter. The continuous flow of Ganga flowed from two eyes and Jamuna from two eyes and then the holy Prayag was bound to happen. How could Mother Saraswati live without coming on the tongue? Triveni Sangam! What a sacred, sacred mind-feeling, a divine, supernatural confluence of auspicious mind-meeting.
What a wonderful panoramic view it was of the meeting between grandmother and granddaughter. It is not known whether mother's affection melted or not, but interest had definitely shown its true colors.
The angry Lord Narasimha, holding his beloved devotee Prahlad in his arms, was feeling the vibration of silent moments.
Devotee Prahlad granted salvation to Hiranya Kashyap by seeking a boon from Lord Narasimha, but Ghazal did not consider his father worthy of forgiveness.
And mother's love did not melt nor did her heart get tired. Kalpesh and Shilpa had to leave the house and go somewhere else. Away from mother and daughter, to suffer for his wife and his deeds.
What is the condition of a person who falls in the eyes of both his mother and daughter? Who else can express this experience better than the father of Ghazal, Kalpesh. But only when his eyes are a little watery and his mind is watery. There is no point talking about dry desert.
The next day, Ghazal reached Kabir's house with her grandmother. To meet, to thank and to bless Kabir.
Ghazal and Kabir were very happy today. There was satisfaction in his mind and also happiness of doing good work. Today Ghazal was reunited with his grandfather and Kabir was reunited with his grandmother. Grandmother had found her daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law had found her mother-in-law. And self-satisfaction to the old helpless eyes.
Sometimes, relationships of the mind are stronger than blood relationships. The ocean was brimming from the eyes and good wishes from the heart.
Blessed is the family, blessed are those parents and blessed is the home in which sons like Kabir are born.

-Anand Vishvas

Wednesday 6 March 2024


Grandmother's stories are still prevalent in the world.
Let us write a new story of new era of the daughter era.
Son and daughter in daughter-era,
Everyone will study, everyone will grow.
Having steely good intentions,
Will create his own history.
The country will study, the country will grow, now the young youth will run.
Let us write a new story of new era of the daughter era.
Son educated, half education,
Daughter educated complete education.
We thought, please think about it.
Think, understand and review.
We thought and resolved to educate the whole world.
Let us write a new story of new era of the daughter era.
Now no one will be illiterate,
Everyone will have a book in their hands.
The sacred stream of Gyan-Ganga,
It will reach everyone's courtyard.
The power of book and pen is well known.
Let us write a new story of new era of the daughter era.
Daughter's era is a festival of honor,
It is a festival of knowledge; it is a festival of charity.
If everyone respects everyone,
It is the festival of upliftment of life.
The golden bird has spoken, the air of the daughter-era is pleasant.
Let us write a new story of new era of the daughter era.
-Anand Vishvas

“Never look back”

Never look back, keep moving forward.
You have to create a bright tomorrow, don't waste the present.
You have to struggle today,
You have to spend your hard work.
The day and night are yours,
There is energy in hard work.
With steely hopes, you keep achieving your goals.
Never look back, keep moving forward.
Every moment is very precious,
The time gone does not come back.
If you don't wake up while you are alive,
I would cry for the rest of my life.
The truth hurts everyone, it is difficult to hear the truth.
Never look back, keep moving forward.
On the rugged and wild path,
You will find thorns at every step.
In this deceitful Maya city,
You will meet your own adversaries.
Forget about strangers, it is difficult to escape from our own people.
Never look back, keep moving forward.
May there be a strong stormy wind,
You don't have to stop anywhere.
May obstacles dominate your head,
Still, you don't have to bow down.
With strong faith in your mind, keep fulfilling your resolution.
Never look back, keep moving forward.
When do rivers turn back?
She would do it tomorrow and move ahead.
The cycle of time keeps moving forward,
Where and when does the clock reverse?
Everything is changing every moment, move with the times.
Never look back, keep moving forward.
-Anand Vishvas